Hey crew. Mac here. Everyone got their calendars out? Good. Here are some upcoming Mascot Wedding live events!
++This Wednesday, October 13: Master Pancake Video Jukebox. An all-star short attention span event. David and myself will be mocking music videos along with John Erler, Mary Jo Pehl, Martha Kelly, Gilstrap & Ramirez (more on them later), Scott Chester, Ben Bartley and others. 7 PM @ Alamo South Lamar. Tix here.
++This Saturday, October 16: KOOP’s War of the Weekend. David and myself will be hosting the Saturday line-up of this two-day event benefitting our beloved KOOP radio. Live bands, DJ sets by the Saturday KOOP DJs, and more of us than you can probably stand. 4 PM to Midnight @ Club Deville. Only $5 at the door. Flyer here.
++Monday, October 25: Hot Property @ the Monday Night Mash. Rescheduled
++Thursday, October 28: Mac hosts the Velveeta Room Open Mic. That’s me! I’ll be hosting this open mic from 9:30 to probably past midnight. I’m only going to do a short warm-up set at the beginning. The real reason I’m posting this is the hope that some of you take pity on me. I’ll be there for three hours probably. Come and say hi to me ferchrissakes! 9:30 @ the Velveeta Room (downtown).
++Sunday November 14: Stag Comedy. This is the big one. Trust me that you’ll be hearing more about this show as the date nears. This is an all new sketch comedy show from Mascot Wedding Productions. This is going to melt your face off. I swear it! The time isn’t set yet, but it’ll be at the Alamo Ritz Downtown. If you miss this you’ll hate yourself forever. For realzies, this show is gonna be epic.