If you’ve ever wondered what a live-action TOY STORY would look like if all of the toys were replaced by sun-damaged G.I. Joes, look no further than PREDATOR. Known internationally as MUSCLES: THE MOVIE, PREDATOR is about a group of sweaty men and their quest to defeat a giant alien lizard monkey, before it defeats them. And who better to make fun of this movie than a couple of guys who know a thing or two about being sweaty and terrified – Mac and David!
Mac and David are back together with Master Pancake Theater to take on PREDATOR, one of the most bullet-heavy movies of the 80s. Starring former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, former governor Jesse “The Body” Ventura, and a whole host of future former governors, this movie is sure to answer the question: Holloywood’s cocaine problem in the 80s resulted in a lot of terrible decisions, right?
Master Pancake (with Mac and David) will be mocking PREDATOR Fridays and Saturdays, September 19th through October 11th. You can buy tickets here for each weekend’s shows as they’re made available. Stop pushing pencils and GET TO THE CHOPPER! (Assuming a chopper is where you keep your computer and credit card, for purchasing movie tickets online.)
Programming note: Mac will not be at the 9/26 and 9/27 shows, because he will be in Denver.