the Mascot Wedding show Podcast: 04/03/08

Episode 019: Mascot Wedding did very well during membership drive! Thanks again! Mac and David plan ways to take down other Austin radio shows if they don’t do the right thing and step aside. The boys get a call from a college hoops legend!

Opener: “Sorry We Took All Yr Money” by Scary Mansion, off the album Every Joke Is Half the Truth
Closer: “Hold Back The Night” by Graham Parker and the Rumour, off the Ultimate Collection

the Mascot Wedding show: 03/27/08

Membership Drive edition! David and Mac put the regular show on hold to beg for your pledges!
SPECIAL OFFER: Even though Mascot Wedding is finished with their membership drive shows, you can still get the limited edition Mascot Wedding CD. All you have to do is pledge at least $25 to KOOP and then send Mac an email at mac(at)billanderik(dot)com with the date of your pledge and we can mail you a CD. The membership drive ends tomorrow so hurry up!

[Podcast of Episode 18 no longer available]

“Showdown” by ELO, off the album On The Third Day

WE DID IT! (and special offer)

On yesterday’s Mascot Wedding show we raised over $500, pushing our two-show total to over $700. You did it! For a rookie show with a 30-minute time slot this is unprecendented. Thanks so much to everyone who pledged. There were some people that were pledging during the closing minutes of our show who we didn’t get to thank on the air but we shall do that next week as well as the drawing for the bill and erik prize pack.

Thanks so much to everyone who pledged. David and I are so proud of each and everyone of you. KOOP thanks you, we thank you, and we hope you like the premiums (which we’ll be mailing out sometime in May).

If there are any Mascot Wedding fans out there who didn’t get a chance to pledge during our show; because I love KOOP so much, if you make a pledge of at least $25 between now and the end of pledge drive, send me an email with your time and date of pledge and I’ll hook you up with our comedy CD. mac(at)billanderik(dot)com

I know, I know. I said I wasn’t going to do that, but people have been asking me about it, and I can’t turn away possible support for KOOP. It will just be for the CD btw, the shirt and prize pack offers will remain exclusive to those who pledged during the show.

Membership Drive and Exclusive CD

Hey folks. 91.7 KOOP FM is currently in the midst of the spring membership drive, our on-air fundraising campaign. Without the support we get from our listeners during these drives, KOOP would not be able to stay on the air. So without your donations, we would not have a show. Due to the attack on KOOP earlier in the year, this might be our most important drive ever.

To try and sweeten the deal and encourage donations, David and I have cooked up a special donation premium for people who pledge during our show. In addition to the donation premiums that KOOP is already offering, everyone who pledges at least $25 dollars during our show will get a CD featuring exclusive material from myself and David; including a phone call we did on our pilot show and comedy bits recorded just for this premium.
Continue reading Membership Drive and Exclusive CD

the Mascot Wedding show Podcast: 03/13/08

Episode 16: Mac and David attempt to warm-up the phone lines before the Membership Drive. A round of “Can we stop?” and a police chief disapproves of the show’s music.

Opener: “Fighting My Way Back” by Thin Lizzy, off the album Fighting
“Ever Lovin’ Man” by the Dirt Bombs, off the album We Have You Surrounded
Closer: “Waiting for the Kid to Come Around” by Spoon, off the Soft Effects EP

the Mascot Wedding show Podcast: 03/06/08

Episode 015: The hardships continue as the show is moved to a new, smaller studio which brings about all new technical difficulties. Some talk about omens and best and worst eBay purchases. An advertising representative takes issue with Mac and David’s rejection of on-air ads.

Opener: “Use it Tonight” by the New Pornographers, off the album Twin Cinema
Closer: “Hey Tonight” by Creedence Clearwater Revival, off the album Pendulum

the Mascot Wedding show Podcast: 02/28/08

Episode 014: The show expands to 45 minutes (which means 37 minutes in podcast time). Like an expanding steel curtain, Mascot Wedding has walled off another quarter hour. Rejoice and cower in reverse order. The boys play a game of “What do you take me for?” Mac’s boss at International Tomato calls in and asks Mac for a favor.

Opener: “Dancing on My Grave” by Ghostland Observatory, off the album Robotique Majestique
Closer: “I Hope You’re Happy Now” by Elvis Costello, off the album Blood & Chocolate

the Mascot Wedding show Podcast: 02/21/08

Episode 013: The show had a really good topic so if you’re not happy with the outcome, blame the callers. David and Mac want to know what your dressing room demands would be if you were a rockstar. The boys continue to resist the on-air endorsements and they also get a call at the very end from someone who thinks they called a local hip-hop station.

Opener: “Solid Gold” by the Eagles of Death Metal, off the album Death by Sexy
Closer: “Everything You’ve Done Wrong” by Sloan, off the album A sides win

Goodbye to the fastest 30 minutes in radio!

And hello to the fastest 45 minutes in radio! That’s right, the Mascot Wedding show with David and Mac is expanding by 50%. We will now be 45 minutes long.

Slappy Pinchbottom, programmer of “The Odd Preoccupation” which follows our show on the New Power Thursday line-up, has conceded 15 minutes of his show so he can spend more time on other projects. Will the rest of KOOP follow suit, tumbling like a trail of luxurious dominoes to the steel curtain influence of Mascot Wedding? Probably.

Thanks to Slappy for the extra time and check us out today at 3PM to see how we use it.