WE DID IT! (and special offer)

On yesterday’s Mascot Wedding show we raised over $500, pushing our two-show total to over $700. You did it! For a rookie show with a 30-minute time slot this is unprecendented. Thanks so much to everyone who pledged. There were some people that were pledging during the closing minutes of our show who we didn’t get to thank on the air but we shall do that next week as well as the drawing for the bill and erik prize pack.

Thanks so much to everyone who pledged. David and I are so proud of each and everyone of you. KOOP thanks you, we thank you, and we hope you like the premiums (which we’ll be mailing out sometime in May).

If there are any Mascot Wedding fans out there who didn’t get a chance to pledge during our show; because I love KOOP so much, if you make a pledge of at least $25 between now and the end of pledge drive, send me an email with your time and date of pledge and I’ll hook you up with our comedy CD. mac(at)billanderik(dot)com

I know, I know. I said I wasn’t going to do that, but people have been asking me about it, and I can’t turn away possible support for KOOP. It will just be for the CD btw, the shirt and prize pack offers will remain exclusive to those who pledged during the show.